Marco Patrignani

Home page of Marco Patrignani, Assistant Professor (tenured) at Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), University of Trento


I do not have open positions at the moment.

In the publications page you can see our latest and no-so-latest work.
In the research page you can see my research group and our interest as well as possible job openings.
In the teaching page you can see information on courses, internship and theses.

Here you can find my cv [ .pdf ]. It is most likely out of date.


marco [dot] patrignani [at] unitn [dot] it
mp [at] cs [dot] stanford [dot] edu

Here you can see my availability.
You can book a 30 minutes appointment via Calendly, here.


Room 124, Disi, Polo 2
Via sommarive 9
I-38123 Povo (TN)

I also used to look like this: image image image