Short Bio

I was born in Ravenna, Italy in 1986.
I got my bachelor and master degree (theoretical curriculum) from the University of Bologna.
I did my bachelor thesis with Danilo Montesi and my master one jointly with Davide Sangiorgi and Dave Clarke.
I did my Ph.D. in Leuven with Dave Clarke and (after he left) Frank Piessens.
You can find my thesis in this page (2015).
Afterwards, I spent 2 years as a postdoc at MPI-SWS in Saarbrücken with Deepak Garg.
In 2017 I joined the Cispa-Stanford programme still in Saarbrücken.
In 2018 I started my visit as an assistant professor at Stanford University in the Security Lab where John Mitchell was my mentor.
In 2021 I became junior research group leader at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security.
In 2022 I won a RLM grant and started my tenure-track professorship (RTD-B) at DISI at the University of Trento.
In 2025 I got tenured at DISI.
3rd Person Short Bio
Marco Patrignani is an Assistant Professor at the University of Trento. Previously, he was a PhD student at KU Leuven (with Dave Clarke and Frank Piessens), a postdoctoral researcher at MPI-SWS (with Deepak Garg), a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University (with John Mitchell) and a research group leader at Cispa. He is interested in formal methods, programming languages and security, and he is an active promoter of the secure compilation research field, having developed with his collaborators: secure compilation criteria, proof techniques for secure compilation, and instances of secure compilers.
Outside of work I enjoy doing a number of things (besides spending time with my kids):
- Sport (volleyball mostly, like here or here);
- Snowboarding (in some places) with my trusty
- D&D (RPG in general) and boardgames
- character sheet for 5th edition (also with fewer icons).
- melee, caster and summons sheet for 3.5;
- Reading;